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ASURE is led by an experienced, flexible, and dedicated team.

The ASURE team is comprised of a diverse group of professionals with backgrounds in research and development, engineering, rapid prototyping, test and evaluation, project management, customer service, government contracting, contingency operations, and security management. Our team is dedicated to supporting ASU’s mission and delivering unrivaled service to our customers.


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Matt Hulver ASURE

Matt Hulver

Interim Managing Director, ASURE (ASU Research Enterprise)

Matt Hulver was appointed interim managing director of ASURE in July 2024 and leads strategic vision and operations while sustaining security compliance to extend applied research and development capabilities and support to Arizona State University. ASURE is an independent nonprofit cleared defense contractor that works closely with ASU’s Knowledge Enterprise, academic leaders, Department of Defense, intelligence community, federal and local government agencies and other partners.

Hulver also serves as the vice president of Knowledge Enterprise Initiatives and professor in College of Health Solutions at Arizona State University. With a focus on enhancing ASU's engagement and funding profile nationally and internationally, Hulver fosters connections with federal agencies, policy leaders and institutions, and East Coast academic and industry partners. He is based in ASU’s Washington D.C. office.

He oversees ASU’s Research Engagement Office. Headquartered strategically in the nation’s capital, the Research Engagement Office plays a pivotal role in advancing ASU’s research priorities, growing federal support, increasing capture activities, and supporting ASU’s role as a thought leader. Hulver coordinates closely with ASU academic units, institutes and initiatives, and faculty. Hulver also works synergistically with the ASU Office of Government and Community Engagement to keep federal policymakers and government officials abreast of ASU's research priorities and fostering synergy between academia and government.

Previously, Hulver served as Vice President of Research at ASU Knowledge Enterprise Identifying and deploying strategies to grow and diversify ASU’s research portfolio, as well as overseeing research operations and development, core facilities, and research security and compliance.

Hulver joined ASU in 2021 from Virginia Tech, where he was the executive director of the Fralin Life Sciences Institute and a professor in the Department of Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise.

He holds a PhD in exercise physiology from University of Kansas, a master’s degree in exercise science from McDaniel College and a bachelor’s degree in fitness management from Marietta College.
